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Mike Tinsley

............. has been playing bass since he was 14 and won his first talent contest at the tender age of 15 with  Rock n Roll band 'The Convertibles' (the Midland's answer to The Rutles........sorry, The Beatles). Just as well as  he cites his main influences as McCartney, Billy Joel, Steely Dan and of course, The Eagles.

 After treading the boards up and down the country in various pubs and clubs, he went on to gig with a jazz  trio on the QE2 cruise circuit before moving to London to ply his trade there. Shortly after, Tenerife beckoned  for the Wolverhampton born GlobeTrotter (well, he's certainly got the height !) performing with a rock outfit in  the late 90s before returning to good old Blighty where he met Chris Brighton.....and the rest, as they say is  history.

 Mike plays a Ken Smith Jazz 5 String and Fender Jazz Fretless using Ashdown amplification.

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